Thank you for making a difference. Ponder back over the last 50 years since we left Wilson High School and all the good things you have done and accomplished. The influence for good you are and were among your immediate family(spouse, children, grandchildren), extended family, friends, business partners and associates, and neighbors. Thank you for the self-less service you rendered at a moments notice when it was not convenient. Thank you for the time you dedicated to coaching, teaching, lifting, serving, sharing, caring, helping those in need around you. Maybe it was a member of your immediate family, your father or mother you cared for selflessly. It could have been an Aunt or Uncle, Brother or Sister or a spouse. Maybe one of your own children or a nephew or niece with special needs or Just needed you. Cancer and long term illnesses take a toll on everyone. But you were there. And you did it without complaining. Real service rarely occurs when it is convenient.
Think of the challenges you have faced and conquered over the years. And there are more to come. We’re not dead yet.
Our class was strong, vibrant, and dedicated. And what have we become? Even stronger, even more caring, and more dedicated. Over the years, in our own realms, we were, have been and are successful. What does that mean? What is success? There are many ways to measure success. Someone said that success is getting up one more time than we fall. We have all fallen and failed, to some degree, but we got up. And kept moving. But one definition I love is this: Those who know you best, love you the most. Using that as a measuring stick, I believe that our Class of “68 from Wilson has been one of the most successful classes to ever graduate. Individually and as a class we have made a difference—in our immediate families, extended families, among our friends,
business associates, and the widow down the street. Love is spelled TIME. Thank you for lovin and taking the time to show love to those around you.
Challenges, trials, and difficulties over the years have caused some of us to be bruised, but not broken. Down at times but not out. Wondering but not complaining. And knowing that with time, all things will be good and work out. Like Winston Churchill said at a graduation ceremony during World War II, (he arose and said the following 9 words), “Never give up. Never. Never. Never.
Never give up.” Thank you for having that kind of grit. We appreciate your example of goodness and what you have become. We love you.
Mel Markham
Spring Student Body President
Class of ’68
Woodrow Wilson High School
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